about me


My name is Amy. I love making things. Past and current obsessions include things like bikes, homemade tools, and wood-working. This blog is meant to be a well-photographed, hopefully not too rambling, account of my adventures in making stuff.

Unrelatedly, for adventures on foot, check out this other blog https://amyhikessomewhere.wordpress.com/

Furthermore unrelatedly, I went on a bike tour this one time and here is a blog about that https://amybikessomewhere.wordpress.com/

Hope you enjoy!


38 responses to “about me”

  1. ragwelder Avatar

    I just wanted to say that i think you are amazing! Congrarts on having so much fun, being uber-creative and productive at the same time.
    Just recently started welding myself and really enjoyed your photos strip from, the Blitzen project.
    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany.

    1. aqian Avatar

      I am glad you enjoyed it, thank you for reading!

  2. Chris Avatar

    Rochester Bike Kids approves of this blog. I’m going to pass this on to the bike nerds at the local hackerspace (http://www.interlockroc.org).

    1. aqian Avatar

      Hi Chris, that sounds awesome! Thanks for reading!

  3. Helen L. Arrington Avatar
    Helen L. Arrington

    You are awesome. I was just sitting here thinking about you. It was great to see you on Saturday.

    Mrs. A

  4. Alite Avatar

    lhttp://vimeo.com/51887079 though you might like to check out this design…might be useful to record its track and come up with a lower cost interior….i assume the feet have springs

  5. Tarame Nottelling Avatar
    Tarame Nottelling

    I’m speechless. I wish I had a brain like yours. Thinking of trying to build a bike and have pretty much zero skills. Spent too many years with nose in a book and single-parenting. I think I was too easily discouraged by the “Old Boys” club when I was younger and now I realized I limited my self-growth. What an inspiration you are! I”ll check back in periodically to refresh my ambition.

    1. aqian Avatar

      thank you for reading!

  6. Pasi Avatar

    I love your work and dedication for projects. In my school I miss the freedom to build so awesome projects. While ago I was studying electronics engineering and now I see wet dreams about milling some hub motors. Maybe some day I could make pilgrimage to see MIT just briefly. But before that, be awesome and creative like you are.

  7. Anthony Vermeersch Avatar
    Anthony Vermeersch

    Hi ?

    I love your blog and your work. But as I am about to build my own bamboobike, I was wondering what bamboo to choose?
    Are There differences?
    Do you have to heat-tet it?

    Anyway, awesome job on the lugs.

    Kind Regards,

    Thomas – Belgium

    1. aqian Avatar

      Thanks for reading!

      I just used bamboo poles which I found at my local hardware store. Some website talk about using other specific kinds, but for a regular road bike, most bamboo seems plenty good enough. The bamboo I got was already dry when I got it, but I still used a torch to heat treat it in a similar method as shown here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT-UIWYepR4 I don’t actually know how effective it is to heat treat bamboo after it is mostly dry, but it still give it a nice color.

      let me know if you have more questions! thanks!

  8. James Chin Avatar
    James Chin

    Hi Amy!
    I’ve also made a website that showed all the things I’ve made. Making things is one of the best things anyone could ever do. It not only expresses your own style and creativity, but it allows you to share those emotions and ideas with everyone else. Good job and keep up the awesome work!

    1. aqian Avatar

      share your website!

      1. James Chin Avatar
        James Chin


  9. Dick Baugh Avatar

    Hello Amy,
    I, too, consider myself to be a MAKER. Some of my stuff can be seen on PrimitiveWays.com.

  10. Shea Avatar

    Great info! I’m building a bamboo bike for my son and basically following your instructions. Not sure I would have had the confidence to take this on w/out your advice (& pictures). You’re right about the epoxy/fiber/tape step being a complete mess, but I will press on! The 1st time is always the toughest. Thanks a lot for building and sharing with us all!

    1. aqian Avatar

      that’s awesome!!! I am really excited to hear that! Best of luck and let me know if you have questions 🙂

  11. Cindy Avatar

    So cool Amy! Both my husband and I follow you and talk about how crazy cool the things you do are.

    Totally random but can I commission you to make something for me?? I would do it myself but with a newborn I wonder if I should just buy it pre-made or have it hand crafted by someone (myself or friend).

    diy: http://themerrythought.com/diy/diy-wooden-baby-gym/?m

    Buy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/480981931/wooden-baby-gym-no-hangers-only-frame?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_b-toys_and_games-toys-baby_and_toddler_toys-other&utm_custom1=eadddf36-9164-4835-a869-b0f80380dba8&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_ODWBRCTARIsAE2_EvVuiChaHWJ9AnowNVc98Csar1ws-LvczhcZbmralwbkzGSjHKO7UBgaAlQUEALw_wcB

    How much do you think it’ll cost me to make my own?

  12. Alyssa Avatar

    Obsessed with your Honda Element build! I’ve been researching SUV conversions like crazy, because I love the idea of van life but the thought of driving a big clunky van around everywhere seems daunting. I feel that your build out has the best of both worlds. You’re able to sit up and still have plenty of room for sleeping and other activities. It looks so comfy and cozy yet functional. Yours is very unique, it’s the only one I’ve seen like it. Thank you for sharing your process and putting it out into the world!

  13. asylumlines Avatar

    Really enjoyed your go cart blog and your outfitting the Element.
    Look forward to more makings.

  14. Michael Riley Avatar
    Michael Riley

    Amy, would you sell a pre-made bed kit I could assemble?

    1. aqian Avatar

      Hi Michael, I’m not super excited about making kits. But do let me know if you start on the plans and have questions. Thanks!

      1. Jeremy Hanson Avatar

        Hi Amy,

        Really great work on all your projects and documentation! I was designing my own conversion when I came across yours, and now I’m going to build your model. It’s very lightweight and well thought out!

        We have a couple people at our makerspace excited to make camper conversions. I suggested they start with a version of your bed. Would you be ok with them making and selling your design as a kit?

        I know you already released plans for free, but we want to make sure that would work for you.



        1. aqian Avatar

          Sure! Please give credit where it’s due! Several people have asked me to build them one. Once you are established, please share some information so that I can direct future requests to you.

  15. Jeremy Hanson Avatar

    Will do! We re-designed some of the pieces to standardize cut lengths, and added CNC-made end pieces. We’ve got a few more tweaks to make before cutting out our first version, but should have v1 done in the next few weeks.

    For your interested camper-builders, we have everything people would need to make your current kit already available at our space, so people in the Seattle area can go to seattlemakers.org and get a membership to build one now in our woodshop (we’ll also teach you to use the tools), or come to one of our vanlife/tiny living meetups. We’ll keep you posted on pre-made kits. Keep up the great work!

  16. A. Minuto Avatar

    Hi Amy!
    I just discovered your blog and youtube channel! I really enjoyed your projects! We need more content! 😀

  17. Victor Lugo Avatar
    Victor Lugo

    Thank you so much for sharing plans for The Element Slat Bed! Definitely inspired me to get started with my Micro Camper plans. Took some time to get the slat bed and a cabinet system installed, but I’m finally finished and ready for some fall camping. Can’t wait! Just working on water and electrical this month. Do you have a particular set up for those two?
    You’re amazing! Thanks again Amy and keep building. 😎🤙

    1. aqian Avatar

      Nice work!!! I hope you have some awesome camping trips! For water, the most I ever do is bring along an Aqua-tainer with a spout. I store it to the right of the shelf unit, and in use, I have the spout hanging out over the tailgate. Nothing fancy, but also never really wanted more. For electricity I usually keep a USB LED lantern plugged into the rear lighter jack so that it charges when I drive. Or, if I know that’s well-charged, I just plug in another USB power brick instead. I usually only ever need an extra phone charge or a reading light, so electricity use is pretty minimal. The other thing I did is change out all the interior lights to LED. It made it a lot brighter, and I feel better knowing it uses less power. If I knew I was going to stay put for a few days and wouldn’t be able to charge while driving, I would probably get a little solar panel to charge all my USB things.

      1. Victor Lugo Avatar
        Victor Lugo

        Awesome! Thanks for your suggestions on that. I have a similar setup with the water for now, but was looking into a 3” pvc system to install on the rack for longer trips. Unfortunately, living in Florida only provides me with a 4-5 month window to camp with comfortable weather. Lol So planning to hit the Southern Smoky’s in the fall. Thank you so much for mentioning the LED lights for the cab, hadn’t even thought of that. Just purchased a 300Wh power bank for backup, but those lights should really brighten up quite a bit. Hoping to make a video of my build soon, def giving you a shout out if that’s ok. 😎👍 Safe travels

  18. Ruinoll Impressions Avatar
    Ruinoll Impressions

    Just a note that your Youtube video, Honda Element Micro-camper, is linked in a recent book, Living Mobile by Dave Jones.
    No content was copied; there is only a link and a brief caption description. Thought that you would like to know and also that you might be interested in the book. It is broad rather than deep so the reader is encouraged to pursue avenues for further research, such as your interesting video.
    Also, I like the site and find your inventions worthy of consideration.
    Best wishes.

    1. aqian Avatar

      hi! Just saw this (sorry to have missed it earlier!). Thanks for the tip, had no idea it made it into a book. Good looking out!

  19. Alvaro cuetos Avatar
    Alvaro cuetos

    Hi Amy. I love your video of slides bet. Good explanation. It’s one of the best. I will put in my peugeot partner. Thanks you, for the video. Alvaro

  20. Greg Avatar

    Just came across your blog & youtube videos, love your work Amy. I also make things from hand tools to guitars to a failed wooden bicycle, all part of the fun and challenge. Will be following your site from now. Keep at it.

    1. aqian Avatar

      Hi Greg, thank you for reading!!!

  21. Josh Grauman Avatar
    Josh Grauman

    Hi Amy, just watched your Hackaday presentation. Well done. I also liked your YouTube presentations about flexures. Judging from the YouTube likes, there is a lot of interest in mechanisms :). I myself would love to see more content on easy to use/implement laser cut mechanisms out of delrin. As someone with training in EE, I have been wanting to learn more about mechanisms but don’t have as much time as I would like. If you are interested in a direction for building your chanel, maybe more content like that or like https://hackaday.com/2015/09/03/how-to-build-anything-using-delrin-and-a-laser-cutter. Just a thought, thanks for the content!

  22. Asif Khan Avatar
    Asif Khan

    Are you able to make me a bed platform for my element and also the storage table thanks

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