Category: Woodcart

  • woodkart – it works!!

    woodkart – it works!!

    Oops, we finished this over a year ago, but I never got around to blogging. Better late than never, right? The title glosses over some details: since the last post, we added the seat, breaks, motors, batteries, and motor controllers. To mount to motor we first assembled the chain, then pulled the motor back as […]

  • Woodcart update: steering

    Its been a while since Zack and I have been free on the same weekends, but yesterday we put in a solid 4+ hours and finished the steering mechanism. Kira pitched in on the second half of the build, too. The steering tube is a 3/4″ diameter steel tube that pivots on two aluminum L-brackets. […]

  • Woodcart update

    I started this project with my neighbors at the end of August, now already more than 3 months have passed. Progress has been slow, but pretty steady. We’ve met to work on it for 1-2 hours on 60-70% of the weekends so far. So, in all there’s been maybe 15-ish hours of work. The first […]

  • A Woodcart

    Now that I have moved away from MIT and am no longer spoiled sick by the awesome machine shops on campus, I am forced to resort to …other methods of construction. Fortunately, I still have one of those benchtop drill presses, though, and a power hand drill, so here’s a project that just uses those. […]