Tag: wooden

  • woodkart – it works!!

    woodkart – it works!!

    Oops, we finished this over a year ago, but I never got around to blogging. Better late than never, right? The title glosses over some details: since the last post, we added the seat, breaks, motors, batteries, and motor controllers. To mount to motor we first assembled the chain, then pulled the motor back as […]

  • Fatigue: a study of flexures in a scooter

    Fatigue: a study of flexures in a scooter

    Introducing, Fatigue, my preemptively-named flexure-based scooter. You can see how a flexure is perfect for the rear brake, which has quite limited travel. Luckily, it also doesn’t see to many extreme forces. It is made from polycarbonate, about 0.1″ thick. The pivot for the front fork however, needs to achieve relatively high deflection (to improve […]