Category: Uncategorized

  • Honda Element Camper – Bed

    Honda Element Camper – Bed

    I finally finished the 2D drawings and 3D model of my Honda Element Camper Bed. For background, this earlier post give a full tour of the camper and some of the design goals I was trying to balance. While this design provides all the details that tailor it for an Element, I think it could […]

  • Laser-cut Snap-lock Assembly

    Laser-cut Snap-lock Assembly

    Here’s a small project featuring what I think is a really nifty snap-lock design for laser cut assemblies. I used it when making dorky headgear for Bay Area Maker Faire 2019. I definitely didn’t come up with this snap-lock mechanism myself. In fact I saw it years ago on the Machines That MakeĀ (MtM) project from […]

  • cruiser skateboard

    cruiser skateboard

    In the past few months, I have been trying to learn how to skateboard by borrowing a friend’s skateboard. Recently he gave me a beautiful set of trucks, so I thought I better make a skateboard then. My roommate had previously ordered a bunch of veneer for a project she never got around to, so […]

  • llama bottle opener

    llama bottle opener

    Llamas and open bottles! What’s not to love? These were made as a pretty last minute secret santa project, only getting around to blogging about it now… I used walnut for this project, too. I started by sketching out a shape that could plausibly be considered a llama on some card stock junk mail. Then […]

  • Hello

    Hi everyone, thanks for visiting. I just started this site, so thanks for your patience as I generate content. Enjoy!