Take Flight for Kids

Today Tom and I brought some of our unique vehicles to the annual Take Flight for Kids festival held at the Reid Hillview Airport.  Also exhibiting with us were tons of custom hotrod builders, model airplane enthusiasts, several FIRST Robotics team (including my high school team 604!), and many others. They were even offering free airplane rides for kids!

here is most of the vehicle collection of the day
here is most of the vehicle collection of the day
I keep forgetting that kids ride everything like the vehicle (and themselves) are indestructible
Here is smallbike. I keep forgetting that kids ride everything like the vehicle (and themselves) are indestructible

Speaking of which, today was a good reminder to me that at festivals like this, I have to only let people ride things that are super robust. Sadly, treescooter‘s neck was broken after a jump off a curb.

sad :[
sad :[
Fatigue also broke, but everyone saw that coming. I feel pretty good that it lasted so long and was named so aptly – and that I stopped kids from riding it before it really broke.

there's a crack in the PC "headset" flexure right behind the fork.
there’s a crack in the PC “headset” flexure right behind the fork.

SAM was a huge hit. I didn’t get too many pictures since I was too busy making sure kids didn’t run into something/someone while driving it. At some point there was a pretty consistent line of kids waiting to ride. Then I went to charge the batteries, and after that I managed to short one of the battery packs (SAM is powered by two 4S6P packs) into itself…….. –___–‘……….. Turns out that is a very efficient way to desolder battery terminals. So that quickly put an end to SAM rides for the day, probably for the better…

turns out everyone loves tiny go-karts
turns out everyone loves tiny go-karts

All of Tom’s bike creations were a huge crowd pleaser. Early in the morning, it was clear that our booth by the food trucks was way too crowded given the steady swarm of children moving and exchanging vehicles. As soon as we moved into this open lane behind some parked cars, this is basically what it looked like for the rest of the day.

I suspect some parents just left their kids with us and the bikes for a couple hours
where do little kids get so much energy?
this tiny recumbent is one of my favorites
this tiny recumbent is one of my favorites
this one is extremely hard to balance, but several people got it
this one is extremely hard to balance, but several people got it
wood draisine scooter
wood draisine scooter and ski bike
these scooters with big front wheels are very stable and nice to ride
these scooters with big front wheels are very stable and nice to ride

Triangle wedge bike is another one of my favorites. A strip of carpet screwed to the slope provides enough friction as a seat.

one size fits all
one size fits all
tiny kids find lots of ways to overcome their lack of size
tiny kids find lots of ways to overcome their lack of size


adults all have tiny kids inside them
adults all have tiny kids inside them












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