pF battery pack

6 cells in series, 2 in parallel

19.8V,  2.2 Ah nominal

yea…so there’s definitely a sacrifice of performance for aesthetics here, but the entire pack fits into the central tube! Makes me wish I used a larger diameter tube…

full battery pack assembled. Packs are probably rarely spec'd with a radius of curvature.
just the terminals will be sticking out. The 7pin white terminals are for load balancing.
Cells were soldered end to end with a piece of braid. A ribbon cable worked great for all the load balancing leads.







2 responses to “pF battery pack”

  1. Dane Avatar

    SWEET! glad the batts ended up working out!

  2. Jerome Demers Avatar

    Hey that is so nice! People will totally not understand when they see you riding a electric bike without seeing big bulky battery pack! Keep it up!

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